How To Whiten Your Teeth With Ease

Teeth whitening may be a sensitive topic because it can be quite embarrassing to admit to having stained or yellow teeth. What are your options if you can’t afford a dentist? Taking steps to whiten your teeth could provide you with the motivation to take better care of your teeth in general.

Teeth whitening strips require you to leave them on for different amounts of time depending on the type that they are, if you find that leaving them on for a couple hours causes discomfort to your gums, try using strips that require less time on your teeth. It’s better to take your time getting your teeth white, than to be in a rush and permanently damage your teeth or gums.

Avoid things like cigarettes, coffee and red wine as these stain your teeth. Each of these substances can cause stubborn stains to form on your teeth. If you just can’t kick the habit of these, make sure that you brush your teeth immediately after consuming them. Also, you can now find portable mini brushes that you may use instead of a real toothbrush. The teeth are cleaned by the use of the abrasive.

You can go to your dentist to have laser tooth whitening done. This will be the best way to get make teeth as white as they can be. The process calls for a bleaching agent to penetrate the teeth, which a laser activates. The results are instant, and you will see that your teeth are from 5 to 6 times whiter than before.

Once you have whitened your teeth, take care in your selection of food and drink. Whitened teeth will easily absorb color from what you eat. Foods or beverages that are dark should be avoided after you whiten your teeth. For example, coffee and red wine will both cause a color difference in your teeth.

Keep a toothbrush on hand so you can brush after eating sticky or sugary snacks. These sweets stick to your teeth, and can start damaging them. After you have eaten your snack, brush your teeth for a short amount of time. While toothpaste is not necessary, you should still scrub your teeth thoroughly and follow with a good rinse.

Clearly, there are many different options for brightening your smile without visiting a dentist. Teeth whitening does not need to be a costly and time consuming process, and these tips can help you along the way. However you choose to go about it, make oral hygiene a part of your life to keep white teeth.

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