Sleep Apnea; How To Deal With This Dangerous Condition

Many people who are sleep deprived may not know that their tiredness is, in fact, being caused by a certain sleep condition. One of these is sleep apnea, which results from airways in your body being obstructed during your sleep at night. Read on to learn more about sleep apnea, if you think you have it.

Losing some harmful vices to fight off sleep apnea. As with many other health problems, alcohol and tobacco will worsen sleep apnea. Drinking helps depress your respiratory system, causing breathing issues. Smoking, of course, causes both long and short term damage to your lungs and airways, as well as putting you at risk for cancer. If you can give up these bad habits, you’ll see a significant reduction in your sleep apnea symptoms.

Do you partake in a drink or smoke? If the answer is yes and you have sleep apnea, you need to stop both habits. Using these vices can harm your airways. Smoking can actually swell your airways while alcohol can overly relax them; each causes sleep apnea. If you do not want to quit, just do not do it before laying down to sleep.

Speak with your doctor about treating your sleep apnea with a dental mouth piece. If your breathing passage is naturally narrow, you have a small jaw, or you have a recessed chin, your sleep apnea may be amplified. There are a number of different devices to correct for these issues. Simply aligning your jaw may be all that is necessary.

Start playing a wind instrument to alleviate your sleep apnea symptoms. Research conducted in Germany has shown that you can greatly strengthen the muscles of your upper airway by taking up an instrument like the didgeridoo. These are the muscles that control airway dilatation and airway wall rigidity. These are great reasons to take up playing this instrument and easing the symptoms of sleep disorders.

It can be a very serious issue when you have sleep apnea. Talk with your doctor immediately if you see any of the warning symptoms. Once you know whether or not you have it for sure, you can figure out how to deal with it.

The time to mention sleep apnea to your health care provider is now if you have had it for some time. It may be time to receive a diagnosis, and attempt to remedy it. Use this information to form the basis of a conversation with your doctor so you can start finding relief from your symptoms.

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