These Jewelry Answers Include Data You Just Can’t Find Anywhere Else

The thought behind jewelry can be as beautiful as the actual piece. Jewelry often is given to commemorate momentous and milestone events in people’s lives and to celebrate loving relationships. As your knowledge of jewelry increases, so too will your appreciation of jewelry.

You can keep the jewelry in your collection sparkling by using a special polishing cloth. This is a chemical-free method to maintain the appearance of your fine jewelry. You use the special cloth to polish your jewelry just like you would polish your silverware. The first side is designed to polish, while the other is for adding shine.

Don’t keep your jewelry in open air or someplace with a lot of humidity. Some good examples of proper storage would be,a jewelry box that is closed, or a small draw string bag. Certain metals will be tarnished when exposed to humidity or air. Polishing will work to restore the color and shine for precious metals, but with non-precious metals, polishing will not help the change in color.

If you are shopping for sterling silver jewelry, you’ll need a magnet and an eye for the real thing. When you do this, you become able to find fake pieces of any type of sterling jewelry. You can use the magnet because non-precious metals actually are attracted by magnets. You can recognize sterling silver by stamps that say ‘.925’ or ‘ster’. If you don’t see such a mark, you might want to reconsider the purchase. This is usually an indication that the piece is fake.

Test it out by wearing it yourself; you don’t want to give a piece that will be uncomfortable or awkward for the recipient. Doing this also tells you how well it stands up to normal daily wear.

For jewelry to stay shiny and new-looking, it is important to keep it from tarnishing. When you are close to water, do not wear your jewelry. Water exposure can cause different metals to become tarnished, dull or rusted. Painting a thin layer of clear-colored nail polish on your metal jewelry can add a protective barrier to it.

To most people, jewelry symbolizes more than just a monetary investment, it symbolizes a memory which is truly priceless. Jewelry symbolizes many things in the human journey; past, present and future.


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